How to Stake FIL Token in Filet on Filecoin Network

With the help of decentralized smart contracts, community governance, and selected high-quality mining pools, Filet creates a decentralized FIL mining service platform with tokenized mining power, low entry barrier, and transparent mining pools & returns, allowing ordinary players to participate in mining with zero risk, high returns, and low barrier.

Filet supports stake FIL token on BSC, Filecoin, HECO and Mixin network. This content will introduce you how to stake FIL token on Filecoin network.

Currently only the HiWallet Android version supports stake native FIL token in Filet. This tutorial introduces how to join Filet mining in HiWallet.

1. Download and HiWallet, then tap **+** on the right of **Assets**.

2. Search for FIL and turn on the slide button.

3. Go back to the **Wallet** page, find FIL, and copy the Filecoin address.

4. Transfer FIL to this address.

5. Find **Filet** in HiWallet.

6. Stake FIL in Filet to obtain the mining power for a certain number of days. You can withdraw it when the stake expires.

7. On the pop-up page, enter the stake amount, check to agree to the terms of service, and tap **Confirm**. After confirming the transaction, you can successfully stake.

After the staking is successful, the page automatically jumps to the **Assets** page, where you can view your assets, earnings, and records of obtaining mining power. In each record of obtaining mining power, tap **See Details** to view its detailed information. 

Now, you have successfully participated in Filet mining, just wait to get FIL earnings.

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